Sistema de Ensino Profissional à Distância Edibon Cloud Learning

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EDIBON Cloud Learning is a Cloud Computing solution designed to control EDIBON Technology based Laboratories remotely in a simple and easy way.

Cloud Computing provides information, shared resources, storage and software services supported by a network (usually Internet). The main advantages of this technology are:

- Reliability: Centralized and efficient system.
- Security and Privacy: Restricted Access and Confidentiality.
- Flexibility: Location and Device independence.
- Cost Reduction & Time Saving: Simultaneity. Multiple users can work at the same time.

EDIBON Cloud Learning is divided in two platforms:

Users Online Platform

The main advantages of the Users Online Platform are:
- The administrators  have  full  control  over  their  Laboratories  thanks  to  the  powerful  Class-Administrator  Tool  that  allows  the  users management, logs visualization and progression monitoring. It also enables to assign users permissions to let them control EDIBON Units or just display them. Furthermore, the administrator can upload & download Measurements, data and Multimedia resources.
- The users can learn interactively in a flexible environment as if they were in the Laboratory, accessing through the Remote App to work with EDIBON  Units.  Several  users  can  work  with  one  unit  or  one  user  with  several  units.  The  users  can  also  Upload  and  Download Measurements, data and graphs, Multimedia resources and Reports.

Remote App Platform

Thanks to the Remote App Platform, the users can control EDIBON Units & EDIBON SCADA Software as if they were in the laboratory and share their expertise with the Users Community.

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