Analisador de Espectro e de Rede Vetorial Siglent Série SVA1000X

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Os analisadores de rede espectral e vetorial da série SIGLENT SVA1000X são ferramentas poderosas e flexíveis para análise de sinal e rede de RF.

With a frequency range to 3.2 GHz, the analyzer delivers reliable automatic measurements and multiple modes of operation.The base models include a spectrum analyzer and a vector network analyzer, optional functions include a distance-to-fault locator, advanced measurement kit, and EMI precompliance kit. Applications include broadcast monitoring/evaluation, site surveying, S-parameter measurement, cable and antenna testing, analog/digital modulation analysis, EMI pre-compliance test, research and development, education, production, and maintenance.

    Vector Network Analysis from 10 MHz – 1.5 GHz / 100 kHz – 3.2 GHz (Now included as standard)
    Distance-to-fault (Optional)
    Frequency Range from 9 kHz to 1.5 GHz / 3.2 GHz (Spectrum Analyzer mode)
    -156 dBm/Hz / -161 dBm/Hz Displayed Average Noise Level (Typ.)
    -99 dBc/Hz @10 kHz Offset Phase Noise (1 GHz, Typ.)
    1 Hz Minimum Resolution Bandwidth (RBW)

SVA1015X: Frequency Range of 9 kHz to 1.5 GHz; Resolution Bandwidth (RBW) of 1 Hz to 1 MHz, in 1-3-10 sequence; Phase Noise < -98 dBc/Hz @ 1 GHz, 10 kHz offset; Total Amplitude Accuracy ≤1.2 dB; Display Average Noise Level (DANL) of -156 dBm/Hz, Normalized to 1 Hz (typ.)

SVA1032X: Frequency Range of 9 kHz to 3.2 GHz; Resolution Bandwidth (RBW) of 1 Hz to 1 MHz, in 1-3-10 sequence; Phase Noise < -98 dBc/Hz @ 1 GHz, 10 kHz offset; Total Amplitude Accuracy <0.7 dB; Display Average Noise Level (DANL) of -161 dBm/Hz, Normalized to 1 Hz (typ.)

SVA1075X: Frequency Range of 9 kHz to 7.5 GHz; Resolution Bandwidth (RBW) of 1 Hz~3 MHz; Phase Noise < -98 dBc/Hz @ 1 GHz, 10 kHz offset; Total Amplitude Accuracy <0.7 dB; Display Average Noise Level (DANL) of -165 dBm/Hz, Normalized to 1 Hz (typ.)

Key Features

    Tracking Generator Standard
    Distance To Fault (Opt.)
    Vector Signal Modulation Analysis (included after 9/23/2019)
    EMI Filter and Quasi-Peak Detector Kit (Opt.)
    Advanced Measurement Kit (Opt.)
    10.1 lnch Multi-Touch Screen , Mouse and Keyboard supported
    Web Browser Remote Control on PC and Mobile Terminals and File Operation

Data Sheet

Service Manual


Selection Guide

Programming Guide

Quick Start Manual

User Manual

Siglent Probe Datasheet

Application Note: How do I pick the right spectrum analyzer for my application?

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