Analisador de Espectro Siglent Série SSA3000X Plus

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Os analisadores de espectro da série SIGLENT SSA3000X Plus são ferramentas poderosas e flexíveis para análise de sinal e rede de RF.

With a frequency range up to 3.2 GHz, the analyzer delivers reliable automatic measurements and multiple modes of operation: The basic function is the spectrum analyzer and options include RF power measurement, vector signal modulation analysis, reflection measurement, and EMI testing. Applications include broadcast monitoring/evaluation, site surveying, S-parameter measurement, analog/digital modulation analysis, EMI pre-compliance test, research and development,
education, production, and maintenance.

    Frequency Range from 9 kHz up to 2.1 GHz / 3.2 GHz
    -161 dBm/Hz Displayed Average Noise Level (Typ.)
    -98 dBc/Hz @10 kHz Offset Phase Noise (1 GHz, Typ.)
    Total Amplitude Accuracy < 0.7 dB
    10.1 lnch Multi-Touch Screen, Mouse and Keyboard supported
    Web Browser Remote Control on PC and Mobile Terminals and File Operation

SSA3021X Plus: Frequency Range of 9 kHz ~ 2.1 GHz, Resolution Bandwidth of 1 Hz~1 MHz, Phase Noise < -98 dBc/Hz, Total Amplitude Accuracy < 0.7 dB, Display Average Noise Level of -161 dBm/Hz
SSA3032X Plus: Frequency Range of 9 kHz ~ 3.2 GHz, Resolution Bandwidth of 1 Hz~1 MHz, Phase Noise < -98 dBc/Hz, Total Amplitude Accuracy < 0.7 dB, Display Average Noise Level of -161 dBm/Hz
SSA3075X Plus: Frequency Range of 9 kHz~7.5 GHz, Resolution Bandwidth of 1 Hz~3 MHz, Phase Noise < -98 dBc/Hz, Total Amplitude Accuracy < 0.7 dB, Display Average Noise Level of -165 dBm/Hz

Key Features

    Spectrum Analyzer Frequency Range from 9 kHz up to 2.1 GHz / 3.2 GHz
    -161 dBm/Hz Displayed Average Noise Level (Typ.)
    -98 dBc/Hz.@10 kHz Offset Phase Noise (1 GHz, Typ.)
    Level Measurement Uncertainty < 0.7 dB (Typ.)
    1 Hz Minimum Resolution Bandwidth (RBW)
    Preamplifier Standard
    Tracking Generator (included at no charge)
    Vector Signal Modulation Analysis Mode (Opt.)
    Reflection Measurement Kit (Opt.)
    EMI Filter and Quasi-Peak Detector Kit(Opt.)
    Advanced Measurement Kit (Opt.)
    10.1 lnch Multi-Touch Screen , Mouse and Keyboard supported
    Web Browser Remote Control on PC and Mobile Terminals and File Operation

Application Note: How do I pick the right spectrum analyzer for my application?

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